I should love Orange is the New Black for the same reason I should (but do not) love Red Tails or The Butler or 42. Here is po;ular culture about people who look like me. Thats all I should need, right? Why are we still talking about Orange Is the New Black? The conversation is a measure of how much we are forced to settle, or, perhaps, how much we're willing to settle.
How to Be Friends with Another Woman
3. If you are the kind of woman who says, "I'm mostly friends with guys," and act like you're proud of that, like that makes you closer to being a man or something and less of a woman as if being a woman is a bad thin, see ITem 1B. It's okay if most of your friends are guys, but if you champion this as a commentary on the nature of female friendships, well, soul-search a little.
3A. If you feel like it's hard to be friends with women, consider that maybe women aren't the problem. Maybe it's just you.
3B. I used to be this kind of woman. I'm sorry to judge.
5B. If you and your friend(s) are in the same field and you can collaborate or help each other, do this without shame. It's not your fault your friends are awesome. Men invented nepotism and practically live by it. It's okay for women to do it too.
9. Don't let your friends buy ugly outfits or accessories you don't want to look at when you hang out. This is just common sense.