Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Atonement Child by Francine Rivers

I have a refrigerator magnet that reads, "I don't mean to be an elitist; I just am."...please take that as a warning. There are very few authors who write romance, religious fiction (or "religious" anything, for that matter), or anything that could be counted as self-helpy or "inspirational" that I read. I tend to get on a soapbox or a high horse, if you will, when it comes to any o' that business. While I'm working on being a gentle, quiet-spirited sentimental type gal, it just isn't the core of who I am or how I express myself.

That being said, this book was alright. (I hope you're laughing.) A conversation with a roommate a few months ago led to this book ending up on my nightstand. (She didn't thrust it upon me or put it there, I took it.) I really liked the first 75 pages. Then came another character....and another storyline....and another character....which ended up with a whole lotta predictability. The characters' prayers being included in italics throughout the story also drove me nutballs.

This is essentially a morality tale about abortion. It made me think, resulted in a few conversations, one of which was a commiserating about how much we didn't like this book in comparison with some of Rivers' others. Since I tend to be cynical and belittling, I'll stop. I finished the book, which is an indicator that it wasn't horrible.

1 comment:

  1. I hated this book. Not a good follow up to her much better, far more intense Redeeming Love.
